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What letters do I receive? Santa letters revealed

What letters do I receive

Santa receives a wide range of letters each year

Each year, with Christmas approaching, the postman who brings letters to my workshop (called Santa’s workshop) has a very difficult task before him. He usually comes in a truck, filled to the brim with huge sacks of correspondence. The letters I receive are all very different. While reading them, you can see all the different types of writing that exist in the world.

Apart from being able to read various small and big squiggles, I need to know practically every possible language. Obviously, that’s because children from all over the world write to me.  I receive some letters written on plain paper, in ordinary envelopes, but with rich contents, which completely overshadow colourful cards written in meticulous handwriting from other children. I sometimes get colourful or scented notepaper, postcards, tiny notes packed with very cramped writing. Some children list a whole array of things they would like to get and ask me to make the choice, while others, who also send me entire lists, expect to get all the toys they have requested. More and more often I get printed Santa letters, which is probably the result of the constant advancements of the modern world, which also has its effect on today’s children. I also find drawings among the letters, and if no notes are attached to them or if they are signed in awkward handwriting, I guess that they must have been prepared by younger children who can’t yet write.

The written letters which I receive can be divided into long and short ones. Some children let their imagination fly and tell me about everything that has happened to them during the year, while others focus only on telling me about their requests; there are also some who clearly don’t know what to say to me so they just send me Christmas wishes. To my surprise, from time to time I receive letters from adults. I try my hardest to browse through and analyse as many Santa Claus letter as possible myself, but some years there are so many of them that I find myself needing help. My trusted helpers always step up to the plate, sorting the letters and forwarding them according to my instructions. Santa’s house in the holiday period smells of letters from the farthest corners of the world – it’s a really unique smell which words cannot describe.


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