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The 12 Days of (Pre)Christmas: The Countdown Continues…


As the countdown to Christmas continues, we’re asking an important question:

At what point do you know…as in truly know...that it really is Christmas?

You know the score – you see, hear, smell, taste or do something that confirms Christmas is around the corner. All of a sudden, your mind turns to nothing but seasonal splendor and you’re in a world of holiday happiness.

If you’re anything like us, the countdown to Christmas officially begins when…

1. You hear “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey for the first time, usually courtesy of a TV advertisement.

2. Out of nowhere, you suddenly realize you’re humming Christmas tunes to yourself, having got them well and truly stuck in your head.

3. You decide to do a quick check of your Christmas ornaments and lights, during which you start decking the halls early with a few bits and pieces. Heck, it saves time later...right?

4. The diet you’ve been following so carefully for the past few months is replaced with any and every excuse to delay it until the New Year. Christmas being the time of year where you can (sort of) get away with eating and drinking anything you like.

5. Slowly but surely, your favorite cable TV channels begin showing your favorite movies. Or if not your favorite movies throughout the year, at least your favorite Christmas movies. Guilty pleasures you can’t help but love at this time of year.

6. Friends, family and coworkers suddenly begin distributing all manner of weird and wonderful baked goods. Luckily, you’ve delayed your diet until January, so you don’t have to feel guilty about indulging!

7. You begin wondering exactly how many elements of your Christmas dinner you could start preparing and preserving right now. The big day may be weeks away, but you’re well aware of the logistics of the average family Christmas.

8. Your Christmas card list is beginning to take shape in your head, among ethical dilemmas as to who does and doesn’t deserve the honor this year. Usually accompanied by the process of searching for the cards you never bothered to write or post in 2017.

9. Your office Christmas party is confirmed and you’re feeling that familiar sense of dread. Particularly having been informed of this year’s cringe-worthy theme.

10. As far as your kids are concerned, the only priority is presenting you with an ever-expanding list of gifts designed to flatline your savings accounts. Not that it matters – you know they’re worth it!

11. The annual outdoor Christmas lighting competition on your block has begun in earnest. Pam and Steve at Number 82 having taken the lead with a simply unfathomable display.

12. Deny it you might, but you secretly cannot wait for the big day to roll around to spend some time with friends and family. You consider yourself the original Grinch, but deep down, you love Christmas as much as anyone else!

Anything we’ve missed? Contact the team at Elfi and let us know your favorite signs of Christmas or have Santa send you a video message with his own views!

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