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Mission of the Saint Nicholas Foundation: helping all year round


The Saint Nicholas Foundation, known for spreading joy and hope, does not limit its activities only to the festive season. The organisation’s mission is to help all year round, continuously implementing projects that change lives for the better.

Foundation history and development 

Founded several decades ago, the Saint Nicholas Foundation initially focused on donating gifts to children from poor families. The presents were delivered over the Christmas period. Over time, its activity has evolved towards all-round social support, encompassing education, health and emergency aid. The Foundation’s key objectives focused on expanding programmes to support the elderly, the homeless and to provide emergency relief.

Foundation’s main areas of activity

Nowadays, the Foundation is involved in a range of programmes. Among other things, it runs orphanages, support centres for the elderly, food collections and educational campaigns. Each project aims not only to provide immediate relief, but also to make a difference in the lives of the recipients.

Helping all year round - how do they do it?

Helping all year round is possible through a variety of initiatives. The Foundation organises summer camps for children and year-round educational programmes, as well as prepares winter parcels for those in need.

These goals are implemented thanks to partnerships with local businesses, other NGOs and through the support of individual donors.

Successes and challenges

The Foundation’s success can be measured in the thousands of smiles on children’s faces and the gratitude of the elderly. The challenges include the changing societal needs and ensuring continuity of funding. The Foundation is constantly looking for new solutions to overcome these challenges.

Anyone can contribute to the Foundation’s activities. From volunteering, to financial donations, to participating in local food collections.

Future of the Saint Nicholas Foundation

The Foundation does not rest on its laurels. It plans to expand existing programmes and introduce new initiatives, and wishes to reach even more people in need. Investment in education and the development of local communities remains a priority at all times.


The mission of the Saint Nicholas Foundation proves that help knows no boundaries. The organisation’s work is making a real difference in the lives of many people. Visit the website of the Saint Nicholas Foundation, where you can find information about projects, success stories and ways to help. Let the stories of those supported by the foundation be an inspiration to work together towards a better tomorrow.

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