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How do I get inside your house? Santa tells all

How do I get inside your house

Ever wondered how Santa is able to get into your home?

With Christmas approaching, everything somehow becomes more magical. Animals start to speak the language of people, and homes start to fill with the scent of Christmas trees and delicious Christmas meals. People are kinder to each other, and their faces beam with smiles. Shops come alive with Christmas shopping fever. Even though it’s really cold outside, the world becomes more colourful and cosy. The magic brought on by Christmas makes everything possible – even visiting every single child in the world to give them the presents they have been dreaming of and to make the little ones smile with joy. They received personalised letter from santa and now it’s time for gifts.

I am sure that you are wondering how I get inside your homes. Well, I only start thinking about it when I get to your house. Most often, my reindeer  “park” the sleigh on roofs of houses – especially in the case of single-family houses, but I must admit that I also often land on skyscraper roofs, which really fills me with fear, because (I’m ashamed to admit it) I am scared  of such great heights. After we’veve parked the sleigh, I start to wonder about the best way to get inside. Open windows are very rare – especially in countries where it’s very frosty on Christmas. But should such a chance arise, I sneak in through the window.

Firstly, I put my sack through the window, then I climb onto the window sill, reach for the sack and jump inside; it gets much easier from then on (I just need to find the room with the Christmas tree). Another method of getting inside houses that I use very often is going through the chimney. It often involves making my beautiful red outfit very dirty, but the need to bring the child a nice gift is stronger than me. Sometimes, to get inside your house, I simply knock on the door. Your parents, who work with me on this matter, are very happy to open the door for me and to show me where the Christmas tree is.

See example letters from Santa!


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